Kaylee graduated from UW-Madison with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology: Exercise and Movement Science, and attended UW- La Crosse where she received a Master of Science in Clinical Exercise Physiology. During her time at UW-La Crosse, she worked with patients through the La Crosse Exercise and Health Program (LEHP) for phase III cardiac rehab and group exercise instruction. Kaylee is currently an Exercise Physiologist within SSM Health, working in outpatient cardiac and pulmonary rehab. Her educational background and strong passion for heart health promotion has allowed her to make an impact on the lives of many patients. Her passion for heart health stemmed from her grandmother surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest at a high school soccer game due to bystander CPR and early defibrillation. Kaylee enjoys working with cardiac and pulmonary patients to educate them on the importance of regular exercise and lifestyle modifications for further prevention of cardiovascular disease.
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